About Us

About Us


About Us

Who we are

ADHERe is a centre of interdisciplinary researchers generating evidence in gerontological studies

Our purpose is to transform the lives of older people and family carers using our evidence-based resources

ADHERe develops educational resources and undertakes research that enables aged, health and community care services achieve their aspirations of ensuring older people and their family carers experience high quality services that promote a fulfilling life. We are solution focused and are driven to work alongside service providers to create strategies for future growth that are feasible to implement.

We were established in 2015 and have a sustained track record of working with not-for-profit, public sector and for-profit providers on small-scale as well as national initiatives. We also have multiple international partners who have adapted our work originally implemented in Australia. Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of dietitians, medics, nurses, physiotherapists, public health and occupational health professionals who fully understand the service environment for aged, health and community care. All of us undertake work that has as its end goal translation of evidence-based care into everyday practice.

Our team has a wide range of expertise in qualitative and quantitative research and the methods we adopt are determined by the purpose of the work we are undertaking with our partners. Our educational resources are designed for delivery in face-to-face/ virtual video conference events, fully online as well as hybrids of both delivery modes. Our education resources enable practitioners to undertake work-based learning activities that contribute to improving the quality of services provided to older people and family carers in the organisation where they work.

- Professor Victoria Traynor, Founding Director

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