



About our resources

ADHERe has developed, in collaboration with our partners, a wide range of evidence-based resources for healthcare professionals and older people

These resources are freely available to download, or hard copies can be purchased from our shop.

Our resources

The Abbey Pain Scale is used to assess the level of pain for people who are unable to clearly articulate the type or level of pain they are experiencing.

The Delirium Care resources were developed by a panel of experts for delirium and nurse practitioners in the aged care sector.

The Dementia and Driving: A Decision Aid aims to support individuals living with dementia and their family members with decisions about driving.

The Dementia Care Competencies Framework was empirically developed through several rounds of online consultation using an e-Delphi.

This flipchart was developed by a panel of experts including dementia care consultants for delirium and nurse practitioners in aged care.

This resulted in the research team being awarded a 2016 tender to develop National Meal Guidelines for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

The Older Driver Decision Aid is the culmination of a partnership between older drivers, academics, and health professionals from a diverse range of disciplines.

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