The Older Driver Decision Aid is the culmination of a partnership between older drivers, academics, and health professionals from a diverse range of disciplines. A rigorous iterative co-design approach involved academic review; consultation with expert advisory groups; end-user review and reiterative revision based on feedback.
The decision aid will help older drivers living in NSW consider:
We wish to thank older drivers, retired older drivers, optometrists, orthoptists, ophthalmologists, physiotherapists, general practitioners, general practice nurses, driver trained occupational therapists, geriatricians, family members of older drivers, road safety officers and transport industry representatives who provided their experiences and views on this topic or provided feedback on the draft resource.
A digital copy of the Older Driver Decision Aid resource is freely available to download.
The PDF interactive version will need to be saved to your PC before using.
A PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat, is required. Click here to download.
An interactive online version of the Older Driver Decision Aid resource is freely available to access.
A hard copy of the Dementia and Driving Decision Aid resource can be purchased from our ADHERe shop as an A4 booklet.
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